- Description
- Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 2021 270x195 mm. XIV, 562 pp. 221 col. ill. Hardcover.
- language
- German

Erotische Buchillustration
Ein bibliographisches Lexikon der Zeichner und Graphiker
Hartmut Walravens
Sometimes bibliophilia is a cover for other, all the more urgent literary confessions: always when it comes to the repressed, indexed, but also intensely gawked-at genre of erotic or sexually explicit literature. 'Rare', and all the more 'sought after', is what the relevant catalogues say. Illustrations lend the works of the genre a particularly delicate reputation, highbrow artists have proven themselves in it as well as daredevil bunglers have tried, and it is all of great cultural-historical interest, to say the least. With this bibliographical encyclopaedia, a reliable handbook is now available that opens up this clandestine area of the art book market as widely and as accurately as possible and, in numerous colour illustrations, allows judgements to be made about works that are hidden in plain sight to the highest degree.