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17th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography - Submit books to the most prestigious prize!

Any work submitted to the Prize must be a published book available on the market. The prize jury - consisting of Bettina Wagner (Bavarian State Library, Munich), Daniel de Simone (Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC), Yann Sordet (Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris) and the antiquarian booksellers Fabrizio Govi (Italy), Konrad Meuschel (Germany) and Justin Croft (United Kingdom) - will admit all publications relating to bibliography in a very broad sense: textual bibliography, history of the book, bookbinding, papermaking, type-founding, library catalogues, short-title catalogues of a single author or typographer, etc.. The jury will not take into consideration ebooks and catalogues of books intended for sale and translations of previously published works.
A prize with prestige and tradition, a strong support for scholarship: The ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography, worth 10.000 $, is one of the most important prizes in the field of bibliography. Every fourth year it detects and awards a particularly significant reference work within a selection of scholarly books about books. Famous scholars like Jean Peeters-Fontainas, I. C. Koeman and Anthony Hobson belong to the prize winners alongside Lotte Hellinga and Jan Storm van Leeuwen who were honoured with the 15th Prize in September 2010 and Jon Gilbert who received the 16th Prize in 2014 for his superb study "Ian Fleming. The Bibliography". These are shining examples for the enormous amount of knowledge - and work - which stands behind such brilliant studies in a scientific field that is essential for every kind of academic research, and for the rare book trade.
The 17th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography will be awarded in 2018 to one or more books published in any language and in any part of the world between April 2013 and April 2017. Any work submitted to the Prize must be a published book available on the market. The prize jury - consisting of Bettina Wagner (Bavarian State Library, Munich), Daniel de Simone (Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC), Yann Sordet (Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris) and the antiquarian booksellers Fabrizio Govi (Italy), Konrad Meuschel (Germany) and Justin Croft (United Kingdom) - will admit all publications relating to bibliography in a very broad sense: textual bibliography, history of the book, bookbinding, papermaking, type-founding, library catalogues, short-title catalogues of a single author or typographer, etc.. The jury will not take into consideration ebooks and catalogues of books intended for sale and translations of previously published works.
The following books about books have already been submitted to the 17th Prize:
Erdmann, Axel, Alberto Govi & Fabrizio Govi. Communication in Sixteenth Century Western Europe: Epistolaries, Letter-writing Manuals and Model Letter Books 1501-1600, with an Introduction by Judith Rice Henderson, Gilhofer und Ranschburg, 2014.
Bertin, Éric. Chronologie des livres de Victor Hugo imprimés en France entre 1819 et 1851. Préface de Jean-Marc Hovasse. Librairie Jérôme Doucet, 2013.
Horst, Koert van der. Great Books on Horsemanship. Bibliotheca Hippologica Johan Dejager. Brill - Hes & De Graaf publishers, 2014.
Imhof, Dirk. Jan Moretus and the Continuation of the Plantin Press. A Bibliography of the Works published and printed by Jan Moretus I in Antwerp (1589-1610). Edited by K. van der Horst. Leiden, Brill-Hes & De Graaf, 2014.
Jakobsen, G. Dansk Keramisk Bibliografi, Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2014.
Nielsen, C.P. & Iwersen, L. Københavnske bogbindere i laugstiden samt udenbys medlemmer i provinsen og Norge, Kristensen, M., ed., Dansk Forening fro Bogbind, 2014.
Nipps, Karen. Lydia Bailey. A Checklist of Her Imprints. Published by The Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America in association with the Houghton Library, Harvard University, and the Library Company of Philadelphia, 2013.
Pettas, William A. The Giunti of Florence. A Renaissance Printing and Publishing Family. A History of the Florentine Firm and a Catalogue of the Editions. Oak Knoll Press, 2013.
The jury of the 17th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography is looking for more!
In order to gather as many recently published editions in this field as possible, the jury invites publishers, librarians, collectors, antiquarian booksellers and all bibliophiles, whenever they might come over a significant reference work for the Prize, to contact the Prize Secretary Fabrizio Govi:
Libreria Alberto Govi
Via Bononcini, 24
41124 Modena
phone 0039 059 373629
Support scholarship and scientific research!
Submit books to the 17th ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography!
For more information see the official website or contact the Prize Secretary Fabrizio Govi.