- Description
- Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter, 2020-‘21 3 vols., 239x165 mm. 1367; 639 pp. with b/w ill. Hardcover.
- language
- German

Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Band 3 Drittes Reich und Exil. Teil 3: Exilbuchhandel 1933-1945 / 1; Teil 3: Exilbuchhandel 1933-1945 / 2; Teil 3: Exilbuchhandel / Supplement
Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels - Historische Kommission, ed.
The first two volumes provide a comprehensive overview of German-speaking émigré publishing activities around the world after 1933. The book covers the diverse range of publishing houses as well as the extensive network of booksellers involved. The result was a fully reconstituted publishing industry that included all critical components, from small lending libraries to international literary agencies.
The third volume of supplement is dedicated to the several hundred antiquarians, booksellers and publishers who were victims of political and racist persecution after the Nazis took power in 1933. They were forced to close their businesses or permit them to be “aryanized” before they fled the country. With over 900 entries, this handbook explores these peoples’ lives to provide new insights into this neglected area of émigré studies.