Prize Winners since 1967

Image above: The Winners of the 2022 ILAB Breslauer Prize for Bibliography, from left to right Adam Renaud, Jack Baldwin, Ernst Fischer and the ILAB Prize Secretary 2022 Fabrizio Govi.
1967 - Jean Peeters-Fontainas, Bibliographie des impressions Espagnoles des Pays-Bas meridionaux, 2 vols. Nieuwkoop, De Graaf, 1965.
1970 - Wytze & Lotte Hellinga, The Fifteenth Century Printing Types of the Low Countries. Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberger & Co, 1966 and Cornelis Koeman, Atlantes neerlandici. Vols. 1 & 2. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1967-9.
1973 - Claus Nissen, Die zoologische Buchillustration. Vol. 1. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1969.
1976 - C. William Miller, Benjamin Franklin’s Philadelphia Printing, 1728-1786. A descriptive Bibliography. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1974.
1979 - Blanche Henrey, British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. London, Oxford University Press, 1975.
1982 - Françoise Weil, La Fiction narrative de langue française de 1728 à 1750 et la librairie. [Unpublished doctoral thesis], Université de Provence, 1980.
1985 - Gerhard Dünnhaupt, Bibliographisches Handbuch der Barockliteratur. 3 vols. Stuttgart, Hiersemann Verlag, 1980-1981.
1988 - Manfred von Arnim, Katalog der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer Schweinfurt. 2 vols. Stuttgart, Ernst Hauswedell & Co., 1984.
1991 - Anthony Hobson, Humanists and Bookbinders. The Origins and Diffusion of Humanistic Bookbinding 1459–1559 with a Census of Historiated Plaquette and Medallion Bindings of the Renaissance. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
1994 - Jacob Blanck, Bibliography of American Literature. Vols 8-9, edited and completed by Michael Winship. New Haven, Yale University Press and Eugène Rouir, Félicien Rops. Catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre gravé et lithographié. Brussels, Van Loock, 1987.
1998 - Lucas Heinrich Wüthrich, Das druckgraphische Werk von Matthäus Merian. Vols.1 & 2: Basel, Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1966; vols. 3 & 4: Hamburg, Hoffman und Campe, 1993, & 1996.
2002 - Anna Perälä, Suomen typografinen atlas - Finsk typografisk atlas - Typographischer Atlas Finnlands. 1642–1827. 2 vols. Helsinki, University Library, 2000.
2006 - Arthur & Janet Freeman, John Payne Collier, Scholarship and Forgery in the 19th Century. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2003 and Christian Dekesel, Bibliotheca nummaria II. A Bibliography of 17 th century Numismatic Books. London: Spink, 2003.
2010 - Lotte Hellinga & Jan Storm van Leeuwen, Catalogue of Books printed in the XVI Century now in the British Library. BMC. Part XI – England. Houten, Hes & De Graaf Publishers BV, 2007. and a second prize to
Friedrich C. Heller, Die Bunte Welt Handbuch zum künstlerich illustrierten Kinderbuch in Wien 1890–1938. Vienna, Christian Brandstätter Verlag, 2008.
2014 - Jon Gilbert, Ian Fleming. The Bibliography. Preface by Fergus Fleming. Foreword by Michael L. Vanblaricum. Edited by Brad Frank. London, Queen Anne Press, 2012.
2018 - Ina Kok, Woodcuts in Incunabula Printed in the Low Countries, 4 vols. Houten, Hes & De Graaf - Brill, 2013.
Honourable Mentions to:
Dirk Imhof, Jan Moretus and the Continuation of the Plantin Press, 2 vols. Leiden, Brill, Hes & De Graaf, 2014.
Staffan Fogelmark, The Kallierges Pindar. A Study in Renaissance Greek Scholarship and Printing, 2 vols. Cologne, Dinter, 2015.
2022 1st Prize:
Jack Baldwin, A Catalogue of Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in Glasgow Libraries and Museums, 2 vols. Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer, 2020.
2022 2nd Prize:
Ernst Fischer; Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels - Historische Kommission, ed.: Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Band 3 Drittes Reich und Exil. Teil 3: Exilbuchhandel 1933-1945 / 1; Teil 3: Exilbuchhandel 1933-1945 / 2; Teil 3: Exilbuchhandel / Supplement. 3 vols. Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter, 2020-21.
2022 3rd Prize
Adam Renaud, Vivre et Imprimer dans les Pays-Bas Méridionaux (Des Origines à la réforme), 2 vols. Turnhout, Brepols, 2018.
2022 Honourable Mention
Frank Romano (with Miranda Mitrano), History of Desktop Publishing. New Castle, Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2019.