Bibliography Week New York 21 - 25 January 2020
• 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. At the Grolier Club: Symposium on Women in the Book Arts, offered in connection with the exhibition "500 Years of Women's Work: The Lisa Unger Baskin Collection." Fee: $50, $25 for students. To register, contact Grolier Club Administrative Assistant Maev Brennan (tel. 212-838-6690, or e-mail Information about the symposium may be found here.
• 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. At the Columbia Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 535 W 114th Street, 6th floor: "Awash in Books: Books for the Year of Water." Join curators and book artists for a careful hands-on look at books from the exhibition “The Year of Water: Selections from Columbia's Book Arts Collection” in their historical context. Bookmakers Russell Maret, Ken Shure, Sarah Plimpton and Maria Pisano join Columbia curators with relevant selections from the collections dating back to the 15th century. Also on view: the exhibition "Mirror of Humanity:Seeing Ourselves in Playing Cards."
• 2:30 pm-3:30 pm. At the Grolier Club: Bibliography Week Lecture. Lisa Baskin on the themes of the exhibition "500 Years of Women's Work" Exhibition Hall. No charge, but seating is limited: RSVP Grolier Club Administrative Assistant Maev Brennan (tel. 212-838-6690, or e-mail
• 10:00 am-4:00 pm. At The French Institute/Alliance Française, 22 E 60th Street: Booksellers’ Showcase. This special mini-antiquarian book fair, sponsored by the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America, will again be held in “Le Skyroom” of The French Institute/Alliance Française, right across the street from the Grolier Club. N.B.: If you plan to visit this showcase, and would like participating dealers to keep your interests in mind, please contact ABAA Executive Director Susan Benne at, or 212.944.8291.
• 1:00 pm-2:00 pm: At the Grolier Club: Lunchtime Exhibition Tour. Lisa Baskin will lead a free public walk-through of her exhibition “500 Years of Women’s Work: The Lisa Unger Baskin Collection.”
• TENTATIVE. 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. At Booklyn, 37 Greenpoint Avenue, Ste. E4G 4th Floor, Greenpoint, Brooklyn 11222: Booklyn’s Artists' Books & Prints Salon is Open! You are invited to peruse new and innovative printed works from around the world. Please contact Booklyn (718-383-9621, or for more information, or visit
• 2:00 pm-7:00 pm. At Convene, 237 Park Avenue: The annual meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America. Schedule of Events: 2-3:15 pm: Papers by New Scholars; 3:15-3:45 pm: Coffee break; 3:45-4:30 pm: Brief business meeting and award presentation; 4:30-6 pm: “Bibliography and Technologies” panel presentation; 6-7 pm: Closing Reception. The 2020 New Scholars are Dr. Alison Fraser, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York: "Homemade Books in Twentieth-Century Poetics: A Feminist Bibliography"; Dr. Elisa Tersigni, The Folger Shakespeare Library, "Two Sides of the Same Book: The Creation and Use of Early Modern English Receipt Books"; Matthew Wills, University of San Diego, California, "The Paper Crisis and the Scramble for Stability in Mao-Era Publishing". The theme of this year’s presentation is Bibliography and Technologies.For more details, and for information on BSA members-only events offered during Bibliography Week, click here.
• 11:00 am-12:00 pm. At the New York Academy of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Avenue. Saturday Morning Lecture. Speaker: Leah Price, founder and director of the Rutgers Initiative for the Book, on "What We Talk About When We Talk About Books." For more details,and to register, visit
• 2:00 pm-5:30 pm. In the 2nd Floor Trustees' Room of the New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (476 5th Ave, New York, NY) The annual meeting of the American Printing History Association. Reports on this year’s activities and initiatives; presentation of the Individual and Institutional Awards; news and information exchange, beginning at 2:00 pm; lively reception follows.
The events that make up Bibliography Week were originally organized around the Grolier Club's Annual Meeting, which traditionally falls on the fourth Thursday in January. Over the years, a number of other bookish organizations chose to align their AGM dates with the Grolier's, eventually resulting in today's week-long series of events -- exhibitions, lectures, symposia, receptions, book fairs, and tours -- on the topic of books, bibliography, book history, and the book arts. With the Grolier Club's annual meeting in mind, dates for future Bibliography Weeks are scheduled as follows:
2021: January 25-30
2022: January 24-29
2023: January 23-28
2024: January 22-27
2025: January 20-25